I am a Lunatic
I mean, this is not news, but I just wanted to get the confession out there,
before some one beat me to it.**
**Found in the archives of unpublished posts, while my blog was BROKEN by Firebox update #456,894.
For awhile, the only way I could post anything that didn't contain the Book of Common Prayer's table on the calculation of Easter, was to use an older unpublished post and overwrite it.
It took awhile to figure this out.
I was not blog fasting for Lent, I just didn't want every post illustrated with that indecpherable table.
BTW, I think that table alone explain much about the current condition of the Anglican communion. But that is another post.
Anyway, while looking through the old posts that I wrote and then thought better and did not publish, I found this short, sweet one from about a year ago.
I do not know what triggered the outburst. I am not sure I need a particular reason to state the obvious.
Anyway, realize now, I should have published it,
because NOW, someone has beaten me to it.
I won't name names, but it was NATHAN.( Awaiting N.'s chorice of Shakespearan Pseudoname)
Oh, he may have danced around the specific term "lunatic", but his meaning was clear.
At least it wasn't someone who is planning on marrying into the family-MIKE, and I forgive you or laughing.
Evidence:Just a snippet from many epiphanies this weekend:
The conversation went something like this. No. It went exactly like this:
BEA: My teacher says that I am extremely intelligent, but I sabotage myself by letting my neurosis get in the way.
NATHAN: He's met your mom?
Actually, I think there is a "Bea's mom is a lunatic" fan-club, to hear her talk about it.
Someone put me out of my their misery **
I should be grateful for these free lessons in humility.
Many people have to spend years with spiritual directors sifting through their lives for the hidden bedrock of pride.
All I need is five minutes with one of my daughters.
I also think I racked up more homeschool points in one conversation than has ever been recorded. Who's got the record book this week? Emma?
In my defense, I don't think there is a difference between aliens and mutants. Therefor X-Men and Men in Black do belong in the same category.
Besides anything said on no hours sleep after a hatrick of attending Orthodox(east and west rite), Roman Catholic and Lutheran Easter/Pascha liturgies should not count against you, including this nonsensical post that belongs in the appendix of "through the looking-glass"
And I am publishing it because I don't want to have to read it again or have someone beat me to any scoops found within it.
BTW, the Firefox update also broke Typepad's spellcheck. Dreams do come true.
* *A figure of speech,
What king Henry II should have added as a disclaimer when he said "Will no one rid me of the troublesome priest on me?"
BTW, guys, that comes Catholic Church history, too, just in case you write a song about it. google it.
Before you comment, let me save you the trouble and say it for you because
I already have a long list of unpublished comments from you that I don't have the heart to delete.
Kind of like saving all your papers and pictures from when you were young, and I only have so much storage space.
Blah blah blah that ship has sailed
blah blah this is a new angle
blah blah he does have a point
blah blah blah etc.
And now, more in keeping of the Season this Bright Monday:
For my Finnish Friends and Relatives: (even thought only one of you can actually read Fin):
Kristus nousi Kuolleista! Totisesti Nousi!
Christ est Ressuscité! En Vérité, Il est Ressuscité!
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