On Jul 6, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Caitlin wrote:
We have not yet received your manuscript for the Glen Spiritual Writing Workshop. Please send one hard-copy to our address below, and send your ‘soft-copy’ via email to [email protected] as soon as possible. You will be sent all your classmates’ manuscripts by email, to print and bring with you to the workshop.
Thank you,
Luci Shaw Fellow
From: Izzy
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 3:20 PM
To: Caitlin
Subject: Re: Glen Manuscript
Dear Caitlin, and Miss Julie,(your blackmail won’t work, withholding my classmates manuscripts until I submit mine, won’t make me write any faster. Nice try)
Here’s my excuse, I mean explanation as why my manuscript has not been written, finished, edited, mailed.
We had and unexpected trip, less than 12 notice to travel to Tennessee, and just got back on Sunday. Also, my mom went into a nursing home today (after 2 months in and out of hospitals and rehab). My Mormon brother from Wyoming, who I haven’t seen for over a year has been in town, while my husband and I were having the worst fight in our 29 years of marriage (we both recently converted to different churches-I’t a replay of the 1054. We could probably sell tickets to what life was like during the Great Schism (minus the blood and carnage, so far), lots of theological shrapnel flying back and forth; my children are learning new words like filioque, apostate, unitism, caeseropapism.
They are also learning who said what and who did or didn’t do what at the 4th 5th and 6th ecumenical councils.
My Mormon brother thinks this is a great missionary opportunity to bring peace, and restore us to the True Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. .I’ve been watching Big Love...no thanks. I’ll keep kissing icons and he can keep his temple underwear. He just left for home and I found another Book of Mormon strategically placed where I would be sure to find it. Those books multiply like rabbits when he visits. The only reason I would open it would be to steal some ideas for my manuscript. At this point I would take dictation from angels with gold tablets to meet my page quota.
But I am working on it. Like the writer in “Stranger than Fiction”, my Editor is living with me and keeping count on how many words I write. (She just graduated from college, moved back home, has no job yet, except what I pay her for Editing. Her nickname is the Editor Predator, and she more than lives to the name. There is more red than black on my drafts; and it didn’t help that she taught me how to make frozen margaritas this week.
My youngest daughter has just decided she likes a boy and started dating for the first time (she’s 20). She’s not living at home, but calls on her cell phone (which got wet and didn’t work for awhile because she jumped into a lake to save a missing swimmer, who didn’t exist (she works at a summer camp and it was a surprise drill). All the while Mom is thinking the worst because the last she heard from “innocent”, and up until last week, man-hating daughter, she reportedly returned to her cabin late with her shirt inside out(with a reasonable plausable excuse).... it’s a Lutheran Camp...did I mention we recently left the Lutheran Church? and converted).
At camp there are no secrets and one big grapevine that reaches all the way back home to big sis, whose boyfriend also works at the same camp as a lifeguard, and neither of them can keep a secret. And how could she keep this one when her little sis, who is vegan-uber-nature-girl, and brags she could survive in the wilderness eating nothing but bark, berries, and cat-tails, and, if needed, can kill a squirrel by throwing sticks at it(seriously-she took a class), finally did something her grandchildren are going to hear about (other than the tattoo, which they will be able to see on her aging sagging skin: She stole away from camp for a whopping 10 minutes(nothing, not even hand holding allowed around the campers) and tristed(trysted?) with new boyfriend(whose name is chalky-what kind of name is that???) in some poison ivy.
I don't know if will last. His favorite movie is "The Promise", hers is "Fight Club".
But they did go see agree to see "Transformers" together. Funny, though;she couldn't tell me what is was about.
He also eats meat, but she is trying to convert him (to veganism,
not lutheranism). He is a runner and there's some kind of deal if she
runs 20 miles, he won't eat a hamburger that day. I think she needs to get a better deal-he can only eat meat that he kills himself by throwing sticks at it while she runs along in case he only wounds it She can chase it down and finish it off.
Big Sis tells me everything and anything after the second margarita, and she knows I won’t tell. Actually she knows I will tell, even perfect strangers, but it doesn’t stop her. I also found out that the little sis has managed to find and date the only asian-american who will probably never have a job because he hates math and science and wants to be........are you ready for this.....a writer. (that is not racist, but irony-see below). He’s reported to be a Episcopalian Buddhist--yeah, I can see that happening. Camp Music director dates new catechist. Did I mention we converted.
Friendship bracelets, campfires, flies as big as bats...romance is in the air. And she must be so irresistibly cute and artsy to a starry eyed writer, playing kumbaya in four octaves on her ? thousand dollar violin at chapel. I spent 5 years listening to her whine about how she practiced (she is a trained classical violinist, and Interlochen Grad, and was studying at the Chicago School for performing arts, but decided to drop out and now she plays in “a band”). She officially changed her performance major to music therapy(that fodder is just too easy, I’ll let it pass). Anyway, a big reason, supposedly, was she could practice a zillion hours and still not play it as well as her good friend, a young girl from China who plays Paganini on a 12 dollar violin while watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy.
Dear daughter blamed us, her parents, because her scandinavian viking DNA lacked the perfect pitch, and killer vibrato gene that apparently everyone born East of Helsinki gets gratis.
So she now plays acoustic violin backup for a couple of alternative/christian (take that any way you want) rock bands (which is exactly what she wanted to do anyway....she’s been playing gigs almost every weekend and has recorded on two CD’s I haven’t heard Bach since I converted, I did mention that I converted?.....so there is going to be some Bach in my writing..... I am writing my piece in fugue style.
But who knows, I may just be having a fugue episode (consult DMS-III, abnormal psych diagnosis guide, if confused). My Editor is also a Psych Major....handy.
That’s my story......can this be half of my manuscript?
Kidding. I had to come up with something, and since the only pets I own are a hamster and a parakeet, saying the pet ate it is not an option, and it’s not true, (almost everything else is, though) ....I can’t plead sympathy because my Arthritis and Lupus are sleeping like babies od’ed on qualudes (it’s really prednisone, and not nearly as much fun).
I will not sleep ( I don’t sleep anyway) until it’s done......I hope to email it to you no later than Monday.
I am writing about my conversion and I the more days I that go by, the more interesting it may get.
Sorry about the spelling and grammar, I can’t show this to my Editor. She would Killllll me.
She made a note on my last draft....she claimed I had written the longest sentence that she had ever read in her life, and she has read Proust, so I was pretty proud of that.....I like creative punctuation, just stingy with periods
Very Sincerely and Sincerely working,
There’s many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher.
Flannery O’Connor
Begin forwarded message:
From: “, Caitlin”
Date: July 12, 2007 6:28:09 PM EDT
To: Isabella
Cc: “ Julie” <
Subject: RE: Glen Manuscript
Dear Mrs. Isabella
If I may be frank? this email made my day much cheerier. And I would be happy to accept it as a manuscript, but think that your Editor might be happier if I told you I won’t be sending out another batch of manuscripts until late Monday or Tuesday. So please, take your time, enjoy the process, and please send me what you create when you can, because I cannot wait to read it—stingy periods and all.
All the Best,
I have Bea's her permission, she read this. She brought the boy home, rather he brought her home and only stayed ten minutes. He was heading to Borders to get in line for the last Harry Potter book, I don't think she's even read the first book.
What do they talk about??????