An insightful meditation on Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: A Novel over at Father Freeman’s bog, "Glory to God for all Things:A Day at a Time
“...Such moments - even such a day - is like the fulfillment of Christ’s commandment to “take no thought for tomorrow.” It is not that tomorrow is unimportant but that it always threatens to capture us and take us away from today. There is a sense in Solzhenitsyn’s novel that one day is much like another. I could well imagine that would be so under such conditions. There is not really a tomorrow to consider - not without tempting insanity.
But there is also something insane about the tomorrows of our own existence - insane in its original meaning - not healthy. Tomorrow, when imported to today pushes aside the possibility of peace and recollection and replaces it with anxiety and a
that cannot be a place to live...“
(my emphasis).
Read the rest here
Dante starts his journey to eternity
Salvador Dalí